Ever wondered about the connection between Zen and self-knowledge?  If you have even a glimmer of interest in these matters, this book can open a new dimension for you. This much prized knowledge is delivered via the friendship that develops between a lost young man and a Zen master.
Nostalgiawest photographer Bob Fergeson has just released a new book, set in the swamps of Louisiana. Bob couches Zen lessons and a methodology for spiritual development into a simple story that allows the teachings to shine through. This book has something to offer the complete beginner and the more seasoned seeker - simple explanations of profound truths.
The book is available on amazon, in both print and Kindle editions. The Kindle version has full color photos taken by the author in southern Louisiana.
Join Bobby Boudreaux and the master of Dark Zen, OD Magee, as they explore the meaning of life and death deep in the Louisiana swamp.
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 Nostalgiawest is proud to have designed the cover for the new book from Tess Hughes:
This Above All: A Journey of Self-Discovery
This Above All is a description of that journey, sharing some understandings I gained along the way and practices I was doing, or trying to do, that I feel contributed to the final return Home. My hope is that this book will help you along your way too and that may be by giving you a clearer focus and understanding of what you are trying to achieve in yourself. A clear understanding leads to focus which leads to more effective and efficient methods of getting there. It's about working effectively rather that working hard.
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Mountain High: Touching the Void with Bob Fergeson
"When the thought and the mind goes away, all you are left with is the real part of yourself.... In the quiet, there is a sense of eternality and unconditional love.”
~ Bob Fergeson
The sense of eternality marks the work of photographer, mountaineer, and spiritual teacher Bob Fergeson. Set among the Rocky Mountains, Bob's story weaves the passions of the creative life and a love for the outdoors into a compelling narrative of a spiritual search. From his childhood attempts to capture moments of ethereal, quiet beauty with a Brownie box camera, Bob's life careened towards a crushing encounter with alcoholism, then flowered in a time of self exploration through painting, drawing, and dreamwork, led to years of spiritual disciplines, and culminated in a final encounter with Truth that left him weeping on a Colorado mountainside.
Whether you frame your quest as a search for God, truth, enlightenment, awakening, certainty, or an aching longing to fill a void inside, you will find this feature-length documentary is more than just a film, it is a resource that you will mine for inspiration and advice again and again.
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 The Listening Attention by Bob Fergeson
How can we re-connect, open the Gateway to Within, and once more gain the Peace and Understanding of our Inner Self? The Listening Attention is our innate ability to observe the world and ourselves without identification. Separate from the world of the mind and action, it points the way home.
" Bob Fergeson distills the best of his advice on the practical matters of the spiritual search in this little book of self-knowledge. Unafraid to speak of his own difficulties and realizations, Bob offers an everyman's guide to self-realization: not through believing the words of another, but through seeking within; cultivating what he calls the Listening Attention. "
The essays, poetry and insight from the Listening Attention web site are now available in a 5x8 paperback. Full color cover photographs and illustrated with black and white photographs by the author. 108 pages, ISBN: 978-0979963063
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Images of Essence
The Mystic Missal in cooperation with TAT Foundation Press presents Images of Essence: a beautiful, hardbound collection of poetry and photographs. Photographer Bob Fergeson and poet Shawn Nevins bring together their creative wanderings to explore the theme of The Standing Now: the moment when a pause in the passing now of our lives reveals eternity.
Images of Essence is now available in eBook form in the Apple iTunes Bookstore! Available for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch as a digital download for $3.99 ! To order from the iTunes Bookstore, click here:
The TAT Foundation is pleased to announce a second edition of Images of Essence is now available in a new, more affordable paperback version. This beautiful book of poetry and photographs has been likened to "Rumi with a Nikon," and the authors' creative wanderings touch a deep cord of recognition of the profound in everyday life. Now available for $17.95 on Amazon and for $2.99 in a digital edition for the Kindle.
"Nevins and Fergeson each take us on a journey to the very same place (to the Only place?) by heading in opposite directions. They beautifully illustrate and if we pay attention, illuminate, a search for source both within and without.
It's like Rumi with a Nikon. "
Photographer and author Paul Rezendes calls the book, “A beautiful collection of poems and imagery, and an invitation to self-exploration.”
Images of Essence is available from Blurb Books as an 8” X 10”, full-color, 80 page hardback edition with dust jacket, or 80 page softcover edition. Click the icons below for previews and ordering information for print format:
8x10 Edition, 80 pages:
8x10 Edition $33.99 and up
"A contemplative meditation in words and pictures, conveying an achingly beautiful reminder of our quest
for light, love, truth, and being. Its harmony of sight and sound remind us of our true home. Each photo by NostalgiaWest photographer Bob Fergeson and accompanying poem by mystic poet Shawn Nevins builds a crescendo of introspective silence ... one at a time, leading us beyond time. A beautiful present for yourself, a loved one, a friend." - Art Ticknor, Self-Discovery Portal
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Listening Attention Video Interview by conscious.tv in London, April 2012
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Also from Mystic Missal Productions:
The John Davis Interview is now available as an mp3 download in four parts. Keith McWilliams interviewed Davis in April of 1983, only months before his death. To hear John Davis read his poems is like being exposed to the soul of the man. He felt that through poetry and oration, he could "talk directly to your nervous system; not your cerebral hemispheres," and lead one to an intuitive understanding of their part in the universe.
Conversations With Jim Burns
on 4 mp3 audio files
Join Jim and his friends for an afternoon of informal discussion and inquiry. A good companion to Jim's book,
"Know Thyself"
Operators and Things:The Inner Life of a Schizophrenic, by Barbara O'Brien. "The chapters in this book which deal with the Operators relate an authentic account of schizophrenia, shortened considerably, but unchanged. This is a sample of what goes on in a schizophrenic mind." Barbara O'Brien's amazing account of her journey into insanity and back, how and why it was necessary. Recommended by Richard Rose as a way to understanding the mind, it follows the teachings of Gurdjieef and Ouspensky in that as sleeping robots, we are not one but many.
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More DVD's and books for the serious seeker:
Beyond Mind, Beyond Death: A fascinating collection of some of the best material from 77 issues of the TAT Forum. This is spiritual writing at its finest: inspirational, instructional, and confrontational. A volume of spiritual poetry and prose amplified by poignant photography and peppered with humor.
Selections from over thirty contributors including: William Samuel, Bob Fergeson, Shawn Nevins, Douglas Harding, Franklin Merrell-Wolff, Art Ticknor, Bart Marshall, Coleman Barks, Bob Cergol and Bernadette Roberts.
To view the trailer for this powerful book, click here.
Solid Ground of Being: A Personal Story  of the Impersonal, by Art Ticknor. Illusions, delusions, or faulty beliefs prevent us from seeing clearly and acknowledging what we truly are ... beyond personality and even beyond individuality. In sharing the simple facts of his life experience, Art Ticknor takes us on an extraordinary journey. With a natural storyteller's voice and conversational style that draws the reader in and pulls us gently along, he conveys his view that the journey beyond the mind, to the solid ground of being, will bring full satisfaction to life. Solid Ground of Being on Amazon.
This booklet examines celibacy as a practical discipline  for those on a spiritual search, and surveys a number of ordinary men and women to discover the benefits they derive and their advice to others. Discover how celibacy affects intuition and energy, how it reveals the habits of our mind, and is a natural state for anyone involved in intense effort. Hear from those currently practicing, former practitioners, and those who have struggled mightily with what Gandhi called "the highest goal."
The Perennial Way: New English Versions of Yoga Sutras, Dhammapada, Faith Mind Sutra, and Tao Te Ching, by Bart Marshall. These insightful new versions are presented  without commentary ... clear and poetic, yet intensely faithful to the language and nuance of the originals, they invite direct communication with the masters, and vibrate with a revelatory self-evidence that resonates in the mind and heart long after reading. "His translations not only interpret ancient mystical writings, but transmit their essential power to utterly alter and redefine our lives." - Bruce Joel Rubin.
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Meetings With Remarkable Women: New video from Poetry in Motion. Through their compelling stories of struggle and discovery, each woman tells an inspiring tale of change and revelation that is worthy of viewing time and again.
Praise For The Film: Jac O'Keeffe, JackieOKeeffe.com, Author: Born to be Free: A most welcome initiative that can help support women engaged in contemporary spirituality. Meetings With Remarkable Women beautifully informs the viewer of how the experience of women called to enquiry differs in subtle and specific ways to the patriarchal representation widely available. It is a joy to watch how consciousness redresses this balance. This production offers a forum to women who speak openly and honestly about an inner pull towards what is beyond all conceptual thought.
- 102 min, plus extras DVD video logo
Featuring music by Pittsburgh guitarist, teacher and arranger Ben Rainey, and the poetry of Corina Bardasuc.
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Closer Than Close, A Portrait of Seeking and Finding Our True Self
"Closer than Close" is a documentary that investigates the spiritual search – the search for the essential questions of human life: is there an eternal part of ourselves? what has lasting meaning? where do we find certainty? Rather than philosophical discussion, it explores the possibility of living a life devoted to a search for answers, and the radical possibility that answers exist, closer than we can imagine, within our selves.
"A revelation and an inspiration." -- Oscar-winner Bruce Joel Rubin
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Now in DVD: Mister Rose video.
"There is no God outside of yourself."
A dynamic glimpse into the teaching style of Richard Rose, this very special video follows a group of university students on a visit to the TAT rural retreat in West Virginia. The two-DVD set contains sequences from university lectures and informal discussions interspersed with impressions of first-time visitors and reminiscences of long-time students.
TAT April 2006 Conference Video
TAT 2006 Spring
Conference: What Is
Spiritual Action?
more information.
Presented by Poetry
in Motion Films
TAT April 2005 Conference Video 
A nine-hour, five-DVD set featuring all the speakers from the TAT April Conference: Beyond Mind, Beyond Death. Each of the five speakers had a profound spiritual realization, yet their paths, circumstances, and advice differ. Perhaps never before have five such individuals come together to share their perspectives and advice for the spiritual search.
Copyright 2003 - 2010 Robert Fergeson. All Rights Reserved.